The Adventure of Mommyhood

This is a companion site to the website I maintain for my son. That one houses pictures and comments on his life and development, and this one will be for my own thoughts and comments on life as a mommy. Being mommy to an infant means I will not post too often, but hopefully it will be enough to let friends and family feel included in our lives even if they are far away. :-)

My Photo
Location: Jasper, Texas, United States

I am Mommy to two rambunctious little boys. Darrin AKA "Bear" will be 8 in December, and Chase turned 5 in July. I graduated from Pearland High School in 1996, and went to college for a few years, but didn't earn a degree (wasn't really going for one anyway).

Saturday, October 25, 2008

I'm still here...

Just keeping up with other sites now. Check them out if you like. :-) (my personal profile on MySpace) (my music page) (profile on Facebook)

I mostly keep up with MySpace, so far as posting pictures etc. But most of my old school buddies are on Facebook so I maintain that one as well.
Thanks for reading!
Brandi :-)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Darrin Draws an A

Yayy! Darrin wrote his first letter yesterday! We've been playing with some dry-erase markers and his easel lately. I drew an A in purple, and explained how I did it. Then Bear drew an A all on his own. He ran off to bring Daddy and proudly pointed out his handiwork. Then he drew another. Good job little Bear! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Hospital pictures

Here is a link to the picture page set up by the hospital. These pictures were taken when Chase was almost two days old. To view the page, you must enter the password, which is Chase. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Baby Pictures 2

Bear LOVES his new little brother. He's gonna be such a wonderful big brother!

Already posing for the camera! Isn't he adorable?

Bear greets Mommy and little brother Chase with a big hug :-)

Grammy and Dee-dee with their new grandboy :-)

Baby Pictures 1


Hello everyone!
We have a new addition! Chase Lucas was born Thursday, July 26, 2007, at 5:04 PM. He weighed 8 pounds, 4.4 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches in length. We're all doing really well, just trying to get into a groove with a newborn AND a toddler. Bear LOVES his new little brother! The morning after we came home, he woke up and asked, "Where my baby is?" He's going to be such an awesome big brother. :-) The new little guy looks a lot like Darrin did, except Chase's hair is dark brown, like Daddy's. It's long in the back, too. Such an adorable little guy...maybe I can post a pic or two soon.
Much love to everyone,
Me :-)

Monday, July 09, 2007

Doctor Visit

Well, all looks fine so far! I'm even holding at a steady weight. Thank goodness...I'm about as heavy as I can ever stand to be. My frame just can't support much more. I get really tired just walking around a bit. Anyway... Baby's heartbeat sounds good and all my measurements and tests are fine, so unless the little guy decides it's time to make an appearance before then, I'm good until my checkup next Monday.

We're getting more and more excited. And more and more behind, actually, trying to get all the little things done that need to be done before the birth. Things like packing a hospital bag. Yeah, I should really get on that. ;-) And we need to put the infant car seat into the car. The hospital won't let you take your baby home unless you have an approproiate car seat, correctly installed. Actually, we're doing alright. Most of the other things can be postponed if necessary.

I hope your day is going as well as mine. I'm off now to go outside with my little boy, before it decides to rain again!
Me :-)

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Baby name and pregnancy update

So, thought I should give a quick baby update. Today I am 38 weeks along, on the doc's 40 week schedule. Two more weeks until our due date of the 22nd, though, technically, any birth day from 38 to 42 weeks is considered full-term and normal. Maybe he'll wait that long, maybe not. Maybe I'll be allowed to progress naturally into labor, maybe not. With my first pregnancy, I had to be induced. Not fun. Hopefully this time it will just happen as it's supposed to, beginning with my water breaking or with contractions becoming regular. Hopefully. Tomorrow morning is my next doctor visit. Then, unless something happens, I have another week until the next checkup. I hope all goes well tomorrow.

We've chosen a name, did I mention that? My "little buddy," as he has been known, will be named Chase Lucas. Whatcha think? Not that it matters--we've decided for sure! But I wouldn't mind getting input anyway. Of course, Darrin Alexander didn't stick very well with our firstborn, known early on as "Little Bear," as he simply prefers to be called "Bear" all this fuss over a name may seem needless if the new guy decides he's a "Buddy." :-)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Just a quick update...

So, yeah, I'm really delinquent here, but I thought I should at least post a note, if not a picture at this time. Our new baby will be a BOY! Our little Bear will have a great playmate for running, jumping, and climbing trees, etc. ;-)

I actually had a doctor's appointment today, and everything seems good so far. My blood pressure's still nice and low, I have no swelling to speak of (last pregnancy I had NO ankles by the end), and baby's heartbeat sounds good. I've only gained 2 pounds this last month, so that's good too, considering that I started off this pregnancy with an extra 20 I shouldn't gain a bunch, ideally. I also had a blood glucose tolerance test today, and if I don't hear anythnig back from them soon, I should assume all is okay with that too. Next appt. in a month, then we start having them every two weeks.

Well, that's all I have to report right now. Toodles!
Me :-)